Thursday, March 30, 2006

In memorium

And the ever-present pipe
"Catch, Ernie!"
For Jack
In Memoriam

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Here are some tired ramblings, because I didn't get enough sleep last night.

How does non-stick Teflon stick to the pan?

If you give me a penny for my thoughts, and I give you my two cents, what happens to the other penny?

If swimming is so good for you, why are whales so fat?

And that's all that my poor, sleep-deprived brain can handle. But I felt like I should post, because it has been awhile. Good night all.


Saturday, March 18, 2006

New shoes

I know, this isn't a picture of my new shoes. It's Bubo the boa constrictor. But I did get new shoes yesterday. I needed new tennis shoes because my old ones were falling apart. And I also got a pair of sandals that are nicer than my old ones so I won't feel bad wearing them to work. It's my one concession to contemporary "fashion" because they're in the Roman gladiator style. They look awesome and are comfortable.

Anyhow. I promised Leslie I'd post this weekend. I don't really have much to talk about today. I have to go into the office to go over how to do some things for a little while. Then my mom and I are going to the Goodwill to find some decorations for a party we're planning. Sounds like an enchanting day, doesn't it?

I hope everyone had a safe St. Patrick's Day! Ciao~

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Syas Ybba

IT'S SNOWING AGAIN THIS MORNING! My commute to work is going to stink. It was really bad on Monday because people had gotten used to not having snow. Hopefully today won't be as bad since people should be used to the snow now. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Snow stinks.

I have to go decide which shoes I'm going to wear today.


Sunday, March 12, 2006

It are late at night

Wow. I got home, oh, about five minutes ago and I'm already in my pjs and in bed. Rusty has been outside to pee and we're settled in. I wanted to do a quick post before I turn in for the night.

A group of us from the office went to TPT (yay public television!) and answered phones for the pledge drive. It was a lot of fun. Not that there were many people calling in for us to take money from, but it was fun nonetheless. I even got a prize in a drawing! I got the Red Green "Duct Tape Forever!" VHS. Yay for Red Green. If you don't know who Red Green is, you obviously aren't watching the right channel.

I thought it was pretty stupid that people would call in and either rant at the volunteer about stuff, or pretend like they would actually pledge, but then just hang up. DON'T BE IDIOTS, PEOPLE. If you aren't actually interested in pledging money, then DON'T CALL. It's rude. Where's Hannibal Lecter when you need him any way?

I didn't really fully watch the shows that were airing, but that's okay. I had fun, and that's what counts. So there, nah-nah.

Now I'm going to get some sleep.


Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I have food!

Good news today=short post.

No bacteria in Rusty's urine! And I went to the grocery store so I actually have food in my house that isn't dog food!

And I bought the Neopets cereal.

But there's no bacteria in Rusty's pee! That's the best news I've had in a long time.


Sunday, March 05, 2006

I hate baths

Rusty here. I'm mad at Mama right now. She gave me a bath. I worked really hard to smell the way I do! Now I smell all pretty and nice. I need to go outside and roll in something really stinky to get my smell balance right again. But Mama won't let me out of the house! She says it's too cold for me to go outside with wet fur. And there's snow too. I'm just going to lie on the couch and lick myself to get rid of the shampoo smell until Mama decides that I can go outside again. Baths suck.

But it's March!

It's a good thing I finished these mittens, because I woke up this morning to find SNOW on the ground. And it's still coming down! I want to cry. Snow is bad. But maybe I'll be able to get into my garage if it gets colder... I'll have to get dressed and try it. Because yesterday my brother and I couldn't get in, and he needed stuff out of his truck. He thinks the lock might have frozen up due to the cold weather. I can see how it would happen, if frost accumulated on the metal and then thawed, and then re-froze. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.

Rusty likes snow, though, so that will be good. And it wasn't snowing when we had to go BACK to the vet yesterday (third weekend in a row!) to get a new sample of urine. Apparently, the lab screwed up the last sample. Grrrrrr... At least I wasn't charged for yesterday's visit, and it didn't take long.

And yesterday, my brother showed me the remodeling he's doing for his fiancee's parents at their house after their minor chimney fire in December. I asked if it was all necessary, and it wasn't. He complained about having the homeowners help, because they saw the insulation and decided they needed new stuff. It was perfectly fine, just a little dirty! It's insulation! Whatever makes people happy, I guess.

Rusty's sleeping right now, like always, but he sends everyone mild affection.
