Saturday, May 20, 2006

Hello, dear people

Well, here we are again on a Saturday morning having already done quite a lot. I helped unload the truck at the plant sale at my parents' church. Then I bought some marigolds and a hanging plant. Then we went inside to the rummage sale and I bought a grow light. Then we came back to my house and set up the grow light. Then we went to the gas station and I got gas for the lawn mower. Then back home, and I pulled weeds in my garden and planted the marigolds. After that, I rearranged my house plants, moving some of them under the grow light (as you can see in the picture). And then for a few pictures, and now blogging! And it isn't even 11:00 yet!

Hope you all are having a good day too!


Sunday, May 14, 2006

Keeping my promise

Okay, so the picture on the bottom is Matthew's 37.5 inch muskie from Friday night, and the picture on the top is my puny bass from this afternoon. However, these are our respective first fish of the season. And so our boat has been christened well. I even named it. Boaty McBoat-Boat. Feel free to steal the name if you want. But be careful. Boaty bit me last night as we were pulling him out of the water. I think the name makes him a bit mischievous.

Have a good week!


Saturday, May 13, 2006

Why I love fishing

So my parents bought a boat this week. My brother brokered the deal and registered it, and now said boat is living in my garage. We haven't really decided on a name yet. But we have certainly christened it. Matthew and I took it out last night for the first time and because we didn't bring the net or a camera, he caught a 37-inch (yes, that's thirty-seven inches) muskie. On a little suburban lake!

That's what happens when you don't have a net or camera. So we called our parents and they brought a net and camera. It was a sweet fish.

Stay tuned for a picture!


Sunday, May 07, 2006

Remembering Tulip

Ah, how briefly I had your red beauty. Now I will have to wait until next year to see your lovely face. Perhaps if I planted more tulip bulbs, I would get more blooms, and they would last longer. You would not be lonely then, there would be someone to talk to.

But now my columbine is blooming. There are other flowers to fill the void you left when your fiery head has fallen.


Saturday, May 06, 2006

Watching Movies on SciFi Channel

Hope y'all are having a lovely Saturday. It's nice outside, and my lawn mower started, so I mowed my lawn. Rusty had his distemper and Lyme's disease vaccines, and his toenails clipped. Everything is peachy! I thought I'd post a couple more pictures from my vacation. I love my new camera.
