Monday, June 26, 2006


Rusty doesn't have a mass in his tummy anymore! They took out a splenic mass this morning (that's a mass connected to the spleen, which is part of the immune system) at the U of M Vet Hospital and everything looked "normal" for an older dog. I asked if "normal" meant "non-cancerous" and the reply was...

So there. The end. Have a wonderful evening!


Sunday, June 25, 2006

T minues 24 hours and counting

Zoo pictures today! Hope everyone had a good Saturday.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

T minus 2 days and counting

Good morning, everyone! My mom and I are going to the zoo today, so I'll have some pictures for later (or tomorrow).

In other news, I got a box of yarn on Thursday. 30 skeins of different colors. It's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo pretty! :)

In other other news, Rusty is scheduled for surgery on Monday to remove his abdominal mass. The ultrasound didn't really give us any idea of what it's attached to, and the biopsy didn't even tell us if it is cancerous or not. So they're going to take the dang thing out and then do some exploratory stuff and we'll find out more.

And that's the news from Lake Woebegone for this week.


Monday, June 19, 2006

I don't know what to talk about

Okay. Scout is the black dog, Maybell is the other one. Norwegian fjord horses (and a draft horse - that's the dark brown one) and a pretty butterfly. I got nothin'. Have a nice evening!


Saturday, June 10, 2006

Good and Bad

Yeah, baby! I went fishing on Thursday night with my brother, which was just what I needed, because we also found out Thursday that Rusty has an abdominal mass that is either on his spleen or a kidney or something in that general vicinity. So now we have to do an ultrasound to look at the structure and see what it's actually connected to. Oh, yes, and he has another bladder infection (probably, since the urinalysis hasn't come back yet). What a lovely day.

When I told my mom about the abdominal mass, she said I'd have to decide how deep in debt I was willing to go for Rusty. And how if he were my child, of course I would. Well, HE IS MY CHILD. Got it? As long as he isn't suffering, I will pursue options that would keep him alive. So there. :p

Rusty doesn't want anyone to worry about his abdominal mass because we don't even know what the source is, or if it's cancer or not. He says he feels fine, and he wants to go to the cabin so he can ride in Boaty McBoat-Boat some more and drink the lake and look at the fish.


Saturday, June 03, 2006

Yay! Saturday!

Yay! It's Saturday! Yay! Rusty and I are sitting at home watching cartoons. Since I mowed the lawn on Thursday, I won't need to mow it today.

Today is planting day at the CSA farm my parents are members of. So I'm going to go with them and play at the farm. Rusty will sleep in his kennel until I get home. I might take some pictures. Then I might post them. But I don't know. We'll see how I feel. Of course, I'll have my camera with me. The only thing up for debate is whether I post the pictures or not.

Look at my new pet spider that I found in the bathroom. Isn't he cute? But after I took his picture, he ran away and I lost him. It's just like Boris the spider that I had for a friend at work, but then he ran away into the ceiling. So now I have a spider plant named Boris. And that's how it is.

So email me and tell me what I should write about! Gosh darn it. Rusty doesn't give me any good ideas on a regular basis. Sometimes he does, but not always.

Anyway, have a good Saturday.


Thursday, June 01, 2006

Riding in Boaty McBoat-Boat

Hey, yo peeps! Rusty here. Mama just mowed our lawn because it got really long since we were at the cabin last weekend for Memorial Day. It was hot. Yuck. But I rode in the canoe with Mama and Grandpa while they went fishing. I got excited because Mama caught some stinky fish that she called northerns. They smelled real stinky. I would have liked to sniff them more, but Mama wouldn't let me. Then, when Uncle Matthew got there, I got to ride in Boaty McBoat-Boat. There's a place right in the front by Mama for me. I took naps, and made Mama shade me from the sun. I also made Mama and Uncle Matthew tip the boat a little so I could get a drink from the lake. They caught lots of stinky fish called northerns, and lots of bass. Mama sticks her thumb in the mouth of a bass, but not the northerns. Mama says that's because northerns have lots of teeth. But it was hot. Yuck. I don't like it hot.

Last week I had to go to the vet's office for a test. I had to spend all day there. It stunk. Then Grandpa picked me up and I went to his house. Then Mama came to Gramma and Grandpa's house and I got to meet Sophie, who lives next door to Gramma and Grandpa. It was fun, except for the part being at the vet. But the test came back normal. So now I have to go back and have another test next week. Oh well.

That's all I gotta say for tonight. I'm sleepy. Good night.