Sunday, December 10, 2006

A Sleepy Sunday

The Rusty is too tired for writing a blog post today. We just got back from a walk and are now watching the Vikings play Detroit, at least until it is time to leave for knitting group. Things have been good around here. Rusty has adjusted well to sharing his Mama, and has had no (knock on wood) temper tantrums when there's been another person here. Mostly because he's discovered the joy of having two people dote on him.

I've been spending a lot of time on my Yahoo!360 page, making up a new language and answering questions on Yahoo!Answers and making new friends. It takes up a lot of time, but I don't regret doing it. I've met some pretty great people there. And it keeps me occupied. I haven't taken any new pictures of Rusty lately, and I have no pictures of the new boy (though he isn't really "new" anymore) or his pets, so you'll have to wait for those. However, it could be awhile, because he is about as good in front of the camera as I am. Which is to say, he hates having his picture taken (like I do). Enh, I don't have problem with that. And you all would rather see a picture of Briscoe-dog anyway. :)

That's it for now, luvs. Hope you all have a good week, and happy holidays (if I don't post before then).
