Monday, November 14, 2005


Rusty is the smelliest dog ever. I always have to warn people when they come over to visit that Rusty is stinky. I warned Chad (now known as Teddy), but I don't think he believed me because the first time he came over, Rusty farted and he was amazed at the smell. Dog farts tend to permeate the atmosphere. Some people might choose to give him back to the shelter, but I grew up with a stinky younger brother. Besides, Rusty and I were instant best friends. And we still are.

And, yes, Teddy is officially my boyfriend. (see yesterday's comment) He was cute when he asked. Yes, girls, there are still nice guys out there. You just have to weed through the creeps and jerks (of which there are a lot). Don't be afraid to be yourself. Things work out better that way. But don't call me Dear Abby, because that's the only advice I plan on giving.

Rusty wants everyone to know that he's still hungry, even though he had a big dinner. If you have any extra food, feel free to send it along his direction. In fact, if you have children who won't finish their dinner, he'll gladly eat their food for them. Or if your kitchen floor needs washing, he'll come over and lick up any minute traces of food that are left. And he would love to be invited to a picnic. (Note: I do feed him plenty. He's just a little beggar)

1 comment:

hhh said...

using my brother's thing again:)

I don't think Rusty stinks all that much - we were just lucky, I guess (or I'm used to Nate!) I loved the post from Rusty about the new boy that Mama has:) I hope the singing went well - I ended up at work until 8:15....