Thursday, January 19, 2006

Writing stories in my spare time

I don't know why I write so much. People always ask me that, and I never know what to say. I write because if I don't write, my head will explode from the stories and characters that are running around in there talking to me. No, I'm not crazy.

I just write a lot. This story is one that I wrote when I was bored (you can read the review, but I'm choosing to ignore it, because the reviewer had only read the first chapter, and didn't really understand what the story was about). One of the benefits of being single again is that no one complains if I decide to stay up late writing stories, and no one complains if they get ignored while I'm writing my stories.

Rusty still has e.coli bacteria in his urinary tract, so we're on even more antibiotics. We're confused as to why it doesn't clear up with the treatments we've done. But now we're going to pummel it with a month of antibiotics. Die, little bacteria!!!

Special note to S.S.: I'm glad you didn't die during your test. Now you know it isn't a big deal, so the next time you'll know that you won't die.

1 comment:

hhh said...

no, you're not crazy:)

I want to know more of the story!!!!