Monday, February 27, 2006
I love my jungle
In other news, I have finished Part 1 of my spaceship story. Yippee! I finally figured out how to get where I was going, and now I can move on to Part 2 (which I just decided to write yesterday). So I can print Part 1 for S.S. to read, because I promised. I FEEL SO GOOD ABOUT MYSELF RIGHT NOW! It's been, like, forever since I finished a fiction piece that I was working on. Now that I don't have a boring boy stealing away all my creative juices, I can actually put the stories that are rampaging through my head onto paper (or the computer). Any boy that's going to be in my life has to not suck out my creative energy. So there.
Speaking of boys/men/males... Last Wednesday, S.C. and I went to lunch with three people from the web design firm. We had Vietnamese, which I'd never had before. It was good. And one of the web design people was a good-looking guy about my age. But I behaved properly, and didn't stare at him. There's also a guy that rides my afternoon bus that's attractive to me... Except I'm a chicken. Buck-buck-buck-buck... :>= <-- That's a chicken, in case you couldn't figure it out.
That's it. At least for today. Ciao~
Sunday, February 26, 2006
So it only took like A YEAR for this stupid pepper plant to finally put out blossoms. I was going to repot it, but now I'm afraid that moving it will hurt my precious flowers (my preciousssssssssss...). But I probably will repot it anyway and use some string to tie it up for support, because when the flowers become peppers they will be heavy.
I also started germinating some jack pine seeds to make my own bonsai. First I soak them for 24 hours. Then I put them in a damp paper towel, in a plastic bag, in the fridge for seven days. If I remember after seven days to take them out of the fridge and put them in the dirt. I'll have to leave myself a note on the fridge, and check off the days. Otherwise I might forget. I like my plants. Especially poor George the peace lily who got sunburned and is now trying to recouperate from that experience. He actually looks pretty good, now that he's not getting a whole lot of direct sun and lots of nice, Miracle-Gro laced water. My African violets like the Miracle-Gro laced water too. I have some little ones that I split a few weeks ago that are starting to perk up. Yay for Miracle-Gro!
Today is another lovely LAUNDRY DAY, so I'm sitting around in my pajamas being low-key. Maybe later I'll feel like playing my piano, except it needs tuning and that makes me crazy. So maybe I won't feel like playing.
Rusty and I went to the vet again yesterday to check on his UTI, and he still isn't concentrating his urine as well as Dr. Elaine would like, so she's going to send it off to the lab to run more cultures. Argh. And Rusty needs a bath (but don't tell him that), except it's still too cold for him to go outside with wet fur. I don't want him getting any respiratory diseases, to go along with the UTI.
Anybody want a small African violet? When I pass on some of them, I can split up the one I have that's totally exploding out of its pot. Oh, and I can pass around spider plants too. My big spider plant is just sending out spiders left and right. Just let me know! *grin*
Have a good Sunday! Ciao~
Friday, February 24, 2006
Strange things going on in my poor head
Which just makes my head hurt more. Hey, having a migraine doesn't exactly enhance the brainpower. But...
After a week of migraine, I'm feeling a little STRANGE. Because that's how I get sometimes. Like when I was taking the good prescription drugs for my migraines. I would take it and go to bed because if I tried to stay awake, well...
However, now it is time for Most Haunted. Because secretly, I think Derek looks like a squirrel in the night vision camera, even though he did leave to make his own show (which premieres right after Most Haunted). And I like watching him look like a squirrel in the night vision camera.
Hope everyone else had a good week, because mine sucked!
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Nobody ever sends me any email
Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, guess I'll go eat worms. Along with S.S., who will be eating worms because we didn't need him to come into work today. And the worms that we don't eat will be fed to the dock weenies at the cabin. Yay, fishing!
Only one problem with eating worms. I'm a vegetarian. Hmmm...
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Nice warm sweaters
Iknow it's early, but we have to go to the vet today. Rusty needs to have his urine checked, his thyroid levels checked, and get his rabies shot. He's gonna get poked a lot today. But he'll be fine. He'll just be grumpy until he gets a cookie or rawhide chew toy or drink of water or car ride or snuggling or... Yeah. He doesn't stay grumpy for very long.
It's fricking freezing outside, Mr. Bigglesworth. It's February!!! We're supposed to stop having these below zero days, or at least only have one, not three or four in a row. I hate cold. So does Rusty. We want it to be warmer, but Rusty still wants snow because he likes to eat it.
Tomorrow we're having lunch at my parents' house with my brother and his fiancee. Rusty loves his Uncle Matthew! *grin* Rusty loves his Grandpa too. And Grandma. He's shyer with strangers, but if they like him, then he likes them.
That's it for today. I promised a picture of Rusty in his sweater, and now you have it. So I'm going to go play more NEOPETS! Woohoo. Have a lovely weekend!
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Wait for it...
So, did you go to NEOPETS.COM yet? Look for me and my pets (username abbylou_j). Totally, go play games and have pets and feed them and stuff like that.
I was bored yesterday while I was having a LAUNDRY DAY, so I went through my pictures on my desktop computer (the internet is on my laptop - dude, I'm a geek). And I found a few that I needed to resize (with Paint Shop Pro), so I did and put them onto the laptop so I could put them up here! Sweet.
Actually, maybe I'm just posting because I feel bad for being a slacker (Slacker!) and not posting very often. Not that anybody reads it or anything... *grin*
So, I'm still deciding whether or not I should go back to trying the whole online dating thing. I could use "Must Love Dogs" as my intro line. Errr, that's gotten pretty cliche since that movie came out. And "Insert witty comment here" is so boring, I've seen it a few times. Honestly, the first person who uses it is unique, but the thirtieth person who uses it is no longer funny. And, it doesn't say anything about you. Sigh. I think I'll be holding off on the online thing for awhile longer.
All right, I'm out. Maybe there'll be some interesting stuff to write about this week. Ciao, dudes!
Saturday, February 11, 2006
All that sleeping makes you tired
This is the first weekend in a little while that I've had with few plans, which means it's time for...
LAUNDRY DAY! Yay for LAUNDRY DAY! Yay for clean underwear!
This has been a quiet week at work, but there's still work, just not insane amounts of it. It's the quiet times like this that make us appreciate the crazy wild times. And it's the crazy wild times that make us appreciate the quiet times. And when it's quiet, I spend all day building up energy, so when I get home I have a lot of energy. Makes me a little stir-crazy to have not enough work. Twitchy, y'know?
Last Sunday I found this really cool yarn at the yarn store with my mom before we went to our knitting group. It knits into stripes as you knit with it, and they're RAINBOW stripes! Sweet. I couldn't resist. So now I'm making rainbow striped socks. I used to hate knitting socks, because I hated decreasing for the toes, and having a seam at the end. But on Thursday night, as I was lying in bed, I figured out a way to do the toes so that the seam goes across the top of the toes (look at your socks, you'll see what I mean). I almost got up to try it, but then changed my mind and stayed in bed. So Friday morning, I tried my new way, and by golly, IT WORKED! Makes me feel all smart and stuff. And now, I won't hate knitting socks so much. Cool. Switch between socks and mittens, and I won't get bored with either! Sweet.
All right, back to playing on NEOPETS.COM (I highly recommend it, lots of fun). Ciao to all.