Sunday, February 12, 2006

Wait for it...

Oooo! Look! Another post! With another picture! I must have gone insane.

So, did you go to NEOPETS.COM yet? Look for me and my pets (username abbylou_j). Totally, go play games and have pets and feed them and stuff like that.

I was bored yesterday while I was having a LAUNDRY DAY, so I went through my pictures on my desktop computer (the internet is on my laptop - dude, I'm a geek). And I found a few that I needed to resize (with Paint Shop Pro), so I did and put them onto the laptop so I could put them up here! Sweet.

Actually, maybe I'm just posting because I feel bad for being a slacker (Slacker!) and not posting very often. Not that anybody reads it or anything... *grin*

So, I'm still deciding whether or not I should go back to trying the whole online dating thing. I could use "Must Love Dogs" as my intro line. Errr, that's gotten pretty cliche since that movie came out. And "Insert witty comment here" is so boring, I've seen it a few times. Honestly, the first person who uses it is unique, but the thirtieth person who uses it is no longer funny. And, it doesn't say anything about you. Sigh. I think I'll be holding off on the online thing for awhile longer.

All right, I'm out. Maybe there'll be some interesting stuff to write about this week. Ciao, dudes!

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