Thursday, June 01, 2006

Riding in Boaty McBoat-Boat

Hey, yo peeps! Rusty here. Mama just mowed our lawn because it got really long since we were at the cabin last weekend for Memorial Day. It was hot. Yuck. But I rode in the canoe with Mama and Grandpa while they went fishing. I got excited because Mama caught some stinky fish that she called northerns. They smelled real stinky. I would have liked to sniff them more, but Mama wouldn't let me. Then, when Uncle Matthew got there, I got to ride in Boaty McBoat-Boat. There's a place right in the front by Mama for me. I took naps, and made Mama shade me from the sun. I also made Mama and Uncle Matthew tip the boat a little so I could get a drink from the lake. They caught lots of stinky fish called northerns, and lots of bass. Mama sticks her thumb in the mouth of a bass, but not the northerns. Mama says that's because northerns have lots of teeth. But it was hot. Yuck. I don't like it hot.

Last week I had to go to the vet's office for a test. I had to spend all day there. It stunk. Then Grandpa picked me up and I went to his house. Then Mama came to Gramma and Grandpa's house and I got to meet Sophie, who lives next door to Gramma and Grandpa. It was fun, except for the part being at the vet. But the test came back normal. So now I have to go back and have another test next week. Oh well.

That's all I gotta say for tonight. I'm sleepy. Good night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My,the blog is looking beautful. I think we have a "budding" floral photographer in our midst. I can certainly relate being a flower artist myself - and of course enjoying them for what they are.
And she writes,too!!
And she knits!!!!

Rusty sure seems excited about Boat McBoat-Boat(great name, by the way). He must have been a big help fishing out all those Northern, Bass and, my stars, that great Muskie that Matthew caught.

Me, I was abed all weekend and more. Didn't get no holiday. Boo, boo, boo, boo hoo! The only nurse in this house is me and when I'm down, it's an unsightly low. He did say, "You were pretty sick," though."

Miss seeing your smiling face so much.
