Saturday, January 27, 2007

Decisions, decisions

Which ball do we play with? Rusty can't decide. Does he play with one of the FIVE (count em, FIVE) tennis balls we have laying around, or does he play with Red-Ball. Apparently, there is no contest. He plays with Red-Ball. Red-Ball got carried upstairs into the bedroom last night too at bedtime. I was carrying Red-Ball (otherwise he wouldn't have come with me) and asked if he wanted to carry it. Stupid question. Of course Rusty wants to carry Red-Ball.

So that's how it is. Tennis balls are history. Red-Ball is the bestest toy ever, according to Rusty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my parent's dog - one of them, the terrier - goes spastic when we throw more than one tennis ball at once!