Friday, October 21, 2005

Crazy House

I told my boss that I'd take care of her dogs while she went to a conference this week. So, she and her daughter dropped them off Wednesday after work. Right now I have 3 dogs living here. It's a bit of a madhouse at my house. Rusty's relatively calm, but Cinnamon and Sugar are two wild and crazy guys. That's ok, though. They're fun dogs, and tomorrow everyone will get a bath, but - shhhhhhhhhhhhh, it's a secret.
Aren't they cute? Sugar is on the left, Cinnamon is on the right.

Kind of an interesting adventure having other dogs in our house. I wasn't sure how Rusty would be able to handle it. He's been doing pretty well, all things considered. The little boys play together, Rusty plays with me. I think I would probably do it again, in the hopes that it wasn't so wet outside. I like rain, but the dogs make a big mess with wet paws.

Anyway, I've been scrolling through profiles in my online dating adventure. There are just a few things I've noticed that are turn-offs for me at least.

2. Misspelling words. There's a spellcheck function, for heaven's sake. Use it!
3. Profiles with no pictures, or poor quality pictures. This isn't as shallow as it might seem. You can tell a lot about a person by the picture they choose, and whether they are smiling in the picture. Makes me feel like I'm dealing with a real person.
4. Requesting only "hot" people/being choosy about who responds/basically being bratty about who will be "allowed" to even start a conversation.
5. Poor grammar (sorry, I was an English major in college).

I need a moment to indulge in sorrow about the sorry state of the English language. Talk amongst yourselves...

All right, I feel better again. I can get over the poor grammar and spelling. The other things are pretty important though. And I have two major rules. First, I'm not giving my phone number out. Second, no meeting in person until we've at least spoken over the phone. And when we do meet in person, it'll be during the day and in a public place. I've also had offers from my co-workers (Beautiful Becky, Countess Kari and S.S.) to be date spies.

****Side note: We have a club at our office, and we all have secret names. I'm Awesome Abby. It came from some guys asking our boss, Supercalifragilistikexpialidocious Cheryl, to join a club for lonely CEOs. S.S. and I decided that we would start a club so S.C. wouldn't be lonely.****

I don't think I'll be meeting anyone in person anytime soon. Not even the guy I messaged with most of the day today (he seems pretty nice, and he has an awesome looking motorcycle). I've also sent some little notes to a couple guys that seemed interesting/compatible/cute/etc. We'll see how that pans out. If nothing, there's always someone else.

One last thing: S.S. didn't think I would actually write about him. He was dramatically surprised when I showed him that I actually had written about him. That'll teach him to disbelieve the things I say to him.

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