Monday, October 24, 2005

Tennis balls

When we need toys, we don't buy the fancy dog-toys. We just use tennis balls that we stole from my dad (no, actually, he gave them to us). Rusty chews and rips them until they are destroyed. No one ever wants to play tennis with us. How sad.

I have a new problem with the online dating. People who don't respond. The least someone could do is just a quick note to say "Hey, I got your message". If they aren't interested, just say so. Don't just ignore my message. Have some courtesy, people!

So, the Vikings beat the Packers yesterday. But that doesn't mean they don't still stink. They got too many unnecessary penalties, and their offense was terrible. They allowed too many sacks (poor, Daunte) because the offensive line was allowing guys to sneak right through. Does anyone else think the Vikings should have lost? Even without taking into account their off-field antics? Good thing my dad and I didn't put any money on our pregame guesses as to the outcome. (I was betting against the Vikings, almost a sacrilege here in Minnesota)

That's the adventures for today. I have to go read the books I got from today.

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