Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I want a dark room

I miss being able to develop my own pictures in a dark room. I loved doing that. I liked watching the images appear on the paper and messing around with the process, burning and cropping and all that stuff. I wish I had a dark room. At least I have PSP so I can change my pictures to greyscale, which puts them in black and white. I like black and white better than color a lot more, because it makes you focus more on the light and the subject and not the colors. That's what photography is. It isn't just snapshots with point and shit... er... shoot cameras. I always hate people who find out that I like photography, and then hand me their little point and shoot cameras expecting me to take a fabulous picture. It's all about the frickin' hardware people! You can't get fabulous pictures with a little piece of crap camera! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Before I got my new SLR, I was doing a lot of finessing with my little point and shoot digital to get pictures that looked the way I wanted. I had to do a lot of cropping and crap in PSP. Sigh. It was work. Now I'm happy with my digital SLR. Can hardly put the thing down.

Anyway. I had my little rant and now I feel better. Have a lovely, lovely day tomorrow.


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