Thursday, September 21, 2006


All right. 'Fess up. Who decided that it could rain today? Hmmmmmm? Mama said it wasn't her, so if it was you, you better tell me. Rain sucks. I hate getting wet. Excuse me for a minute so I can lick my paws some more...

That's better. Mama's doing laundry today, so she said I could write a post. I don't really know what to write about except the rain. Wait, I gotta lick myself some more...

Why did Mama ask about me licking my naughty bits? And someone called me creepy for talking about Mama's online dating. I think it's far creepier to talk about naughty bits. Besides, I don't use toilet paper. I gotta clean it off somehow. Who's creepy now? Hang on a sec, gotta itch...

It was cold and rainy today. Who said that was okay? It wasn't Mama and it wasn't Grandpa. Oh, I bet it was Superlative Steve. I bet he got mad about not having to go into work today so he decided he would make it cold and rainy...

What, Mama?

He can't? Really?

Well then, who?



Mama says that no person can decide the weather, not even the cute weather guy on the channel 11 news. They just guess. Whatever. I'm going back to sleep. Next time Mama can post for herself.


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